Jan 282014
Your Trading System - Which is More Important - The Entry Signal Or Exit Signal?

Six Basic Elements of a Trading System To answer this question – let start with what the basic elements of a trading system are: The Financial Market it’s designed for the market volatility, financial instruments  (equities, commodities, forex) Time Frame for trading system day, short-term, intermediate-term, long-term Entry Signal complete description of the entry signal and [...]

Mar 152013
Be Mentally Prepared - Trading Streaks Mess With Your Head

WHY DO I EMPHASIZE LOSSES IN A ROW AND NOT WINS? You will notice throughout this website I talk about losing streaks much more than winning streaks – but they both occur – so why emphasize the losing streaks? Well the common sense answer is that a string of losses can destroy your trading capital [...]

Mar 142013
The Most Important Element In Successful Trading

Position Sizing – The Perfect Name For Limiting Risk Position Sizing is THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT IN SUCCESSFUL TRADING. Without it, you will blow up your trading account – guaranteed. You can be using a system with an 85% probability of success and without proper position sizing you can lose a major portion of your [...]